Alien from Uno Port. - [Alien 🇯🇵]
Alien from Uno Port. - [Alien 🇯🇵]
Alien from Uno Port. - [Alien 🇯🇵]
Alien from Uno Port. - [Alien 🇯🇵]
Alien from Uno Port. - [Alien 🇯🇵]
Alien from Uno Port. - [Alien 🇯🇵]
Alien from Uno Port. - [Alien 🇯🇵]
Alien from Uno Port. - [Alien 🇯🇵]
Alien from Uno Port. - [Alien 🇯🇵]
Alien from Uno Port. - [Alien 🇯🇵]
Alien from Uno Port. - [Alien 🇯🇵]
Alien from Uno Port. - [Alien 🇯🇵]
Alien from Uno Port. - [Alien 🇯🇵]
Alien from Uno Port. - [Alien 🇯🇵]
Alien from Uno Port. - [Alien 🇯🇵]

Alien from Uno Port. - [Alien 🇯🇵]

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"The Uno Head Replacement Incident." - [Humanoid/Alien] - [1974, Okayama, Japan.] 
• About this alien: A humanoid Alien refugee with 'a face like a mask' met by "Mr.F" (31, delivery truck driver.) near "Uno City" in Okayama prefecture, she asked Mr F to help 'replace her head' because she was sick...
• History: This case is From "UFOと宇宙 1976年6月号 No.18(ユニバース出版) "UFO and Space" it was later published in the popular magazine "Mu."
[the magazine with the earliest mention of the case.]

the case goes something like this: September 3rd 1974, in the early morning (around 5:00 AM), while driving his way down Route 30, "Mr F." was delivering furniture to the port town of Uno City. He stopped at a rest point briefly for some noodles from a vending machine before shortly continuing on his way..

[the setting via google maps here.]


it was his regular route, He was driving through a rocky mountain pass, But this time there where rocks everywhere, as if a landslide had just happened. Suddenly, A Silvery UFO with a ring around it like Saturn appeared. it landed noiselessly about 10 meters away, on top of a flat rock

[Magazine picture of the UFO img source]
Next thing he knew a woman with hair down to their shoulders and a helmet that covered her ears, silently got into the passengers seat of his truck. (Mr F said that she was about 160cm tall (so, about 5'3.) - She had a single horn like an antenna, a smooth mask like face with eyes peeking out and rubber tight uniform with a triangular-shaped plate on the chest area.  – Mr F stared at her, terrified.
[MR.F's witness sketch, img source.]
The woman spoke in a voice that sounded like a computer synthesis:  "I have come to Earth to become an "金属板" (But something is wrong with my head, and I would like you to replace it with another head." (Mr F had no clue what an "金属板" was, he apparently thought it was a unit of measurement like "inches.") - [Note: I'm unsure what that is too.. but it seems it could be related related to metal or monoliths?]
...she then gave him instructions on how to replace her head:
"I want you to put a wire through three points at the bottom of my neck and in the middle of my neck and shoulders, then press the middle button, and replace my head with this one instead."
- She then held out the replacement, which looked identical.
The alien continued to talk to the terrified Mr. F as he replaced the head...
"We are not here to conquer Earth, but our planet collided with a sun and we lost our home, so our friends on the spaceship are living on Earth.
We can't tell you where they live now, but when the people of Earth understand us, we will discuss it with their representatives and they will decide where to live.
We are more advanced than Earth in every way, and our minds are machines filled with computers, so we can speak Earth's languages, The saucers that the earthlings have seen are ours.
Our planet is not as energetic as Earth's, so we can only move at night when the sunlight is weak. When we first came to Earth, the energy was so strong that many of our fellow spacecraft burned and fell... We will appear before you again sometime."
-after successfully replacing the head, Mr F then had a gap in his memory for about 20 minutes [a phenomina known in english as "missing time."] - he soon found himself parked right outside the ferry terminal, and just in time for his delivery.
[above and below: Magazine photos of Mr F: gesturing as to how the face was swapped. Mr F & his wife.[img source]
When he returned home Mr F excitedly told his wife: "I talked to an alien today, and I helped them swap their head!" His wife: along with their two children, laughed it off, saying that he had finally lost his mind from exhaustion. Later, Mr. F who had been quiet about the case for about a years or so, published his experience in the company newsletter that he was editing, and the people at the company laughed at him too, fortunately soon after the magazine "UFO and Space" got in touch. 
"...A few months after the incident, I saw a UFO again while driving a truck in Mishi, Okayama Prefecture, which I think was what they meant by 'coming to see me again' but I didn't talk to it."
...So, was it simply a case of exhaustion? Bad udon perhaps? Because they're "faceless and live among us" could it have perhaps been a Nopperabo!? ... Well, its an old case & from one of those old sensationalized "UFO magazines" so do take it with a pinch of salt. -
Someone pointed out that it also resembles ultra man who would have been out for 10 years by that point. – in fact "Mother of ultra" (character with pigtails, below) would have been released just a year before (1973)... could it have been a cosplayer asking for help with their costume? makes sense to me.
[but then the missing time, UFO, & details about head removal comes into question...]
--But regardless of it's validity or not, it's still a charming alien & a fun story. enough that I wanted to draw a cute sticker for it.
Art by @samkalensky (yo thats me!) part of my ufo series of stickers, check my shop for many more!

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