Collection: Yogenju (Amabie & other prophetic beasts.)
Yogenju (JP:予言獣) Amabiko, Amabie & similar yokai who follow the pattern of giving prophecies about epidemics, bumper crops & are otherwise considered good luck/disease wards! – illustrations of these yokai would be kept on the person in wallets or breast pockets for luck & health while travelling, many where published in woodblock printed news papers, and resold as lucky charms & other warding symbols.
– In recent history: Amabie [1846] regained wide spread popularity, when the government used her as a mascot for Covid-19 awareness - Originally the yokai gave a prophecy which went similar to...
– "Good harvest will continue for six years from the current year; if disease spreads, show a picture of me to those who fall ill and they will be cured!" –