Collection: Toilet Terrors.

Ghosts & Legends from the beyond the loo'! (& some potty humor related yokai too.)
9 products
  • Hanako-san of the toilet -“トイレのはなこさん” - [Urban legend | Yokai]
    Hanako-san of the toilet -“トイレのはなこさん” - [Urban legend | Yokai]
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  • Ofurobozu - おふろ坊主[おふろぼうず]- [Yokai | UrbanLegend]
    Ofurobozu  - おふろ坊主[おふろぼうず]- [Yokai | UrbanLegend]
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  • Akamanto - 赤マント - [UrbanLegend | Yokai]
    Akamanto - 赤マント - [UrbanLegend | Yokai]
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  • Teke Teke - テケテケ- [Yokai|UrbanLegend]
    Teke Teke - テケテケ- [Yokai|UrbanLegend]
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  • Kainade - かいなで - [Yokai | UrbanLegend]
    Kainade - かいなで - [Yokai | UrbanLegend]
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  • Akaname - 垢嘗 - [Yokai]
    Akaname - 垢嘗 - [Yokai]
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  • Henifudau - [Yokai | UrbanLegend]
    Henifudau - [Yokai | UrbanLegend]
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  • Shirime - 尻目 - [Yokai]
    Shirime - 尻目 - [Yokai]
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  • Big Scrotum - 大きな陰嚢 - [Yokai]
    Big Scrotum - 大きな陰嚢 - [Yokai]
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