As it says on the tin! - A simple badge or weather resistant sticker to let the tech idjits know that you only want to support human artists. (how controversial.) - This 1.75" badge or sticker, has been my best seller at my IRL event booths, adding it here as my way of keeping up the good fight. - The number of Etsy shops with Al slop that comes up when you search is sad and discouraging, Especially because that place was supposed to be a pillar for handmade crafters and artists. Hopefully something gets done. - Just to be clear: I have not and never will use Al in the process of my work or designs. Everything in my shop is proudly hand made, drafted, illustrated, written, researched and self produced by @SamKalensky (who has been drawing and posting work online since 2008.) also happy to say I no longer use adobe animate for my artwork either, I made the switch to toonboom sometime last year.
• This design is also available for ongoing supporters as a print out on https://patreon.com/samkalensky
• you can learn more about the issues with Al over on https://createdontscrape.com
• the fonts are also proudly officially licensed from blambot.com