Space Penguins of Tuscumbia – [Alien]
Space Penguins of Tuscumbia – [Alien]
Space Penguins of Tuscumbia – [Alien]
Space Penguins of Tuscumbia – [Alien]
Space Penguins of Tuscumbia – [Alien]
Space Penguins of Tuscumbia – [Alien]
Space Penguins of Tuscumbia – [Alien]
Space Penguins of Tuscumbia – [Alien]

Space Penguins of Tuscumbia – [Alien]

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The Space Penguins of Tuscumbia – [UFO/Alien]

• About this Alien: a space penguin!! need i say more?

• Encounter: One cold Valentines morning, Claude Edwards, a hardworking farmer from Tsucumbia Missouri, noticed that his cattle were acting strangely, all staring off to the east. what appeared to be a gigantic metallic blue mushroom. – Dutifully he went about his routine feeding his cattle before going to investigate the next field over. Underneath the “Shroom” he saw a swarm of short green creatures who seemed to be wearing goggles and “hazmat like” equipment, they had thin arms, but he couldn’t make out hands or feet! - awestruck: The man could only describe them as “green space penguins” flailing their thin arms rapidly at their sides, Edwards reacted like most farm hands would and threw a rock at them (get off my property!) but the rock bounced away as if there was a force field protecting the ship! – the second toss got their attention scaring them off, the UFO lunging forward twice and zipping off into the sky...


- [Edwards rough sketch of the 'penguins']-

Truth be told this one felt kinda 'sus' in that its very difficult to find any credible information or sources about the incident online [this is likely due to nobody citing their research!!] – after searching for a bit, The earliest record that I could find about the incident was the @cryptonautpod aka Rob Murphy's post from 2011: you can read the full story about the incident here: 

The trail stopped cold for me there for a bit, to a point where i thought it might be just be a wholly fabricated story. – However.. after some some further sleuthing (creative google-fu really.) – I’m happy to say that it seems Claud S Edwards was indeed a real person who died March 26, 1990 at the age of 85 and the 1967 incident [at least according to a 2011 blog post on the Miller-county History Museums Website. (which was actually posted in response to the cryptonaut post!)] – was remembered by Edwards family & close cousins: 

– A picture of Claud S Edwards from the Miller county Museums website. – Said post cites the cryptonaut post word for word but also gives a short look into Edwards family history, a rough location on where the farm is, as well as mentions that at one point local radios had interviews with Edwards about the incident. – Unfortunately, said interveiws may be lost to time. - (or are at least out of reach for an armchair Cryptid researcher (like myself hahah.) - I'm currently hoping that @cryptonautpod will share some of their sources about the space penguins!(hopefully my art catches their eye & when its up on twitter)

Art Sticker by @samkalensky part of my ufology sticker collection! Please check my shop & follow for many more!