Kelly-Hopkinsville Goblins - [Alien]
Kelly-Hopkinsville Goblins - [Alien]
Kelly-Hopkinsville Goblins - [Alien]
Kelly-Hopkinsville Goblins - [Alien]
Kelly-Hopkinsville Goblins - [Alien]
Kelly-Hopkinsville Goblins - [Alien]
Kelly-Hopkinsville Goblins - [Alien]
Kelly-Hopkinsville Goblins - [Alien]
Kelly-Hopkinsville Goblins - [Alien]
Kelly-Hopkinsville Goblins - [Alien]
Kelly-Hopkinsville Goblins - [Alien]
Kelly-Hopkinsville Goblins - [Alien]

Kelly-Hopkinsville Goblins - [Alien]

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Kelly-Hopkinsville Goblins. - [Alien/Ufo 1955] Kelly, Kentucky

[For further information on this case: I'd highly recommend reading about it directly from the CUFOS archive: "Close Encounter at Kelly and Others of 1955 (1978)" - its a fascinating read: going into much more detail than I can include in this post!]

• About this Alien: An example of a B.E.A (Big Ear Alien) and one of the earliest examples of an L.G.M (Little Grey Men) [some say that these guys started the "fad" of little "green" men.]-  About three feet tall, with oversized heads, huge disk-like luminous yellow eyes, big ears, long arms, slender strong bodies with round, suction cup like feet and big hands ending in "webbed talons"; they glowed all over with a silvery metallic luminescence, where immune to bullets and they seemed to float rather than walk.

 [The 3 Police sketches of various "littlemen" as described by the witnesses, sketched by Andrew (bud) Ledwith. Source: "Close Encounter at Kelly." CUFOS 1978. ] Mine is based on "figure 10" the third one pictured, perhaps i'll draw variants another time.

• Encounter: August 21st 1955, an oval metallic saucer which shone "real bright, with an exhaust all the colours of the rainbow" landed in a field behind a farm house occupied by the Sutton family... as they shot at them, the aliens did a flip. - The terrified family retreated by automobile to the Hopkinsville police station. - Five adults and Seven children claimed that small alien creatures from a spaceship were attacking their farmhouse, and that they had been holding them off with gunfire "for nearly four hours"

[The Saucer. Source: "Close Encounter at Kelly." CUFOS 1978. ]

City police, county police, state police, and even the military from nearby Fort Campbell (among other investigators) drove to the farm and searched the house, the yard, and the fields, but found no con­crete evidence to support the family's story. apparently the little men returned briefly at around 1 or 2 AM before disappearing as the sun rose.

For a few days following, Various Papers & tabloids where abuzz, they cracked jokes about the aliens attacking the barn, but they would get the story incorrect, saying that they where 'little green men' however this was not at all accurate, they where not green, certainly not men and not actually at Hopkinsville, but actually several miles north at Kelly, Kentucky! there forward the case has been known as the "kelly-hopkinsville" incident.

• in pop culture: The Pokemon known as Sableye (according to bulbapedia.) is thought to have been inspired by this case! - (This wouldnt be the first time Nintendo has taken inspiration from American Ufology!) – [see also: Flatwoods monster and Pascagoula aliens.]

Art by SamKalensky (thats me!) part of my ufology series of stickers, check my shop for many more.

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