Dover Demon - [Cryptid]
Dover Demon - [Cryptid]
Dover Demon - [Cryptid]
Dover Demon - [Cryptid]
Dover Demon - [Cryptid]

Dover Demon - [Cryptid]

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• About this Cryptid:

The Dover Demon - [Cryptid 1977 Dover, MA] - Spotted on 3 separate occasions on April 21st & 22nd, 1977 near Farm street, Dover Massachusetts: (an area notable for being associated with hidden treasures, but nobody knows why exactly.) - it was seen at night climbing over a crumbling, rocky wall. Described by witnessess as a small 4ft creature with a large watermelon shaped head, light orange-rose color skin & round marble-like, glassy, faintly glowing eyes (red or green) - It climbed on thin spindly limbs, it’s feet seemed to mold into wherever it stepped: Despite somewhat resembling a gray, It’s sightings are not at all tied to UFOs and it just seems to wander… they’re also not connected to any indigenous folklore or spirits, despite what some may tell you,

• History: Loren Coleman of the international cryptozoology museum was the initial investigator and the individual that coined the name the "Dover Demon" interviewed the 

• First encounter: The creature was initially encountered by "Bill Bartlett" (at the time 17) who spotted the creature at whilst driving his friends home, it was standing at the side of the road staring at him with glowing red eyes.

[An interview 29 years later in 2006 says that Bill still stands the fact that he spotted something. But has mixed feelings about the encounter due to harassment. (prank calls, etc)] - Over the next 24 hours there where two other sightings by local teens.

[witness sketch by billy bartlett.]

second encounter: less than two hours later, 30 minutes past midnight "John Baxter" claimed to have seen a very similar creature lean up against a tree, and then run off.

[John Baxters witness sketch]

[baxter proudly with his sketch]

• 3rd encounter: on the following night of April the 22nd, "Will Taintor" & "Abby brabham" spotted an orange eyed-monkey like creature crouching on all fours.

[clipping from]

[picture from Guide to Mysterious and Legendary Creatures 2002 ]

Sadly theres little else to say about the dover demon, its usually shrugged off as a hoax. [worth note is that only 2 of these teens actually knew each other though], Loren thought the youngsters where sincere enough to include its own  display in the previously mentioned international cryptozoology museum!

Sticker Art by @samkalensky (yo that’s me!👋) part of my cryptid collection of stickers check my shop for many more! & support my art at - Samkalensky