Virginia Tv-Head Man - [Cryptid | Urban legend]
Virginia Tv-Head Man - [Cryptid | Urban legend]
Virginia Tv-Head Man - [Cryptid | Urban legend]
Virginia Tv-Head Man - [Cryptid | Urban legend]

Virginia Tv-Head Man - [Cryptid | Urban legend]

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The Virginia Tv-Head-men - [‘Cryptid 2018-2019'] - AKA “The Richmond TV Fairy”

•About this Cryptid:  – two mysterious events which took place in Virginia, Henrico County sometime in 2018 and then again in a different Richmond neighbourhood on August 12th 2019. - In both incidents: An entire neighbourhood of 20-60+ People woke up to find old – [but still functional] – CRT-televisions (of various sizes and models) placed on their porches, screen somewhat eerily facing towards their doors. 

The first incident in August 2018 there where only 20 tvs left out, no video evidence or any real news stories where created about the incident. most locals just shrugged it off: However; the following year on August 12 2019, The local news soon became an uproar because of several doorbell cameras capturing footage of mysterious men wearing a CRT-TV’s on their heads and leaving the televisions on peoples doorsteps. (in some cases even waving back to the cameras.) – Investigators would later say that there where actually two of them, one wearing a blue coat and the other wearing a white jumpsuit. – A few days later, the story even caught the attention of the washington post, who’s post to social media caught the eye of the net/population at large! 

Many say that the 2nd time was a prank or simply a ‘hoax’ - it was either a youtuber doing it for the likes/publicity, or perhaps an out of business hotel owner simply giving his extra, outdated TVsets away in a quirky manner. - of course there where several funny out-landish theories posted online (The Tvs where his eggs, maybe they where an alien, maybe the televisions would mind control you if used etc.) 

Later that same day officers confiscated most of the TV sets that people didn’t want to keep: Local Residents would say that “it was a welcome distraction from other bad news at the time” and that they had felt “lucky to have received a television set!” - a few locals even considered making Aug 12th into a local holiday!


Around that time, local police issued warrants for a similar case: an unnamed 19-year-old man and his sister where caught dropping spray painted TVs around Deep Run High School in Glen Allen, the same man was earlier caught with a warehouse full of televisions in storage.

Thinking the incidents might be connected, the police issued a search warrant for “dumping trash, trespassing, and felony of wearing a mask in public.”  it was also started that they would face 52 total charges of the latter If proven guilty. But nothing came of it.

Because the first event in 2018 didn’t actually have any photographs or a solid conclusion, we’ll never really know if it was even the same people, if the 2nd incident was just a copy cat or if it was “just a prank...” it hasn’t happened again since. [at least, in any ‘news worthy’ manner.]

I’m not entirely sure if i’d classify this one as a “true cryptid” vs “quirky event” because its very obviously just someone in costume (and at the time ‘object heads’ where big at conventions and in media.) but it makes for a fun mystery and here i am in 2021 writing about it reguardless haha. 

•from the ABC7 Video: of the TV-headman waving. ]

Sticker Art by @Samkalensky (yo thats me!) - Part of Cryptids/Urban Legends sticker collection, weather resistant 4" sticker. Check my shop & follow @samkalensky for many more!