Bakeneko - 化け猫 - [Yokai]
Bakeneko - 化け猫 - [Yokai]
Bakeneko - 化け猫 - [Yokai]
Bakeneko - 化け猫 - [Yokai]
Bakeneko - 化け猫 - [Yokai]
Bakeneko - 化け猫 - [Yokai]

Bakeneko - 化け猫 - [Yokai]

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•About this Yokai•

Although people often simplify BakeNeko as"ghost or goblin cat", they're more accurately given the title of "changing cats" - Similar to how the Kitsune, Tanuki (Mostly the Shapeshifting Animals) get older begin to change, yes even your domestic house cat that has lived a very long life also begins to act suspiciously... Weather its Licking up lamp oil, dancing about with rags draped over their heads, growing in size or taking on humanoid form, cats can also become yokai....

Similar to how Tanuki & Kitsune would sometimes use leaves to transform. The Bakeneko where said to take on humanoid form by dancing with towels & cloth rags strung around their heads. - Either that or drinking their owners blood was what did the trick to steal someones identity...

...Bakeneko could also suddenly grow HUGE, some where said to grow larger than Bears, when this happened, The cats would likely be tossed out, banished to live alone, wildly the mountains where they would grow to resent their owners...

There are many places where people would decide in advance how many years they would raise a cat or if it would be be allowed to keep its long tail because of the dark superstitions surrounding them. [There are many tales about bakeneko getting revenge against cruel humans too.]

The Twin-Tailed cat: Nekomata are defined by their split tails & are probably the most malicious example of a bakeneko: Often said to have necrotic powers, these cats raise the dead by dancing around coffins and controlling them like a puppet. – No longer satisfied with mice or lasagna, these cruel chaotic cats crave human blood!!

But... Thats not to say that all Bakeneko are bad! - Fortunately, for each tale of a Nekomata seeking revenge there are also tales of kind & lucky to have around Maneki Neko: (beckoning cats) are probably the best example of a good bakeneko. Friendly house-cats would often warn their masters not to go to areas "where the cats gather..." - in 889CE 22-year-old Emperor Uda also wrote very fondly about his cat!

Sticker Art by @Samkalensky (yo thats me!) - Part of my Night parade of 100 Demons - Yokai & Japanese folklore sticker collection, weather-resistant 4" Glossy sticker. Check my shop & follow @samkalensky for many more!