Flittericks - [Fearsome Critter]
Flittericks - [Fearsome Critter]
Flittericks - [Fearsome Critter]
Flittericks - [Fearsome Critter]
Flittericks - [Fearsome Critter]
Flittericks - [Fearsome Critter]
Flittericks - [Fearsome Critter]
Flittericks - [Fearsome Critter]
Flittericks - [Fearsome Critter]
Flittericks - [Fearsome Critter]
Flittericks - [Fearsome Critter]

Flittericks - [Fearsome Critter]

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Flittericks. - [Fearsome Critter] - aka "Frittericks" "Flitterbicks"

• About this Critter: A subspecies of flying squirrel found mainly in the woods near the Great Lakes area, especially numerous around the old logging camps & cook shanties, attracted by the Flapjacks and Fritters that were feasted on frequently in that neck of the woods. -- Incredibly dangerous, they fly so quickly that it's impossible to dodge them, they dive with such searing force that the impact blows anything it hits into smithereens. Such was the fate of the poor Oxen that got in their line of flight.

• History: "Flittericks" are one of several fearsome critters described in "Paul Bunyans Natural History" [C.E.Brown 1935] - Yet another critter that frequented the lumbercamps set up by Paul Bunyan, especially near Minnesota & Michigan in North America. – The entry goes as follows:

"FLITTERICKS: The variety of flying squirrels which frequented the vicinity of the lumber camps were very dangerous because of the great rapidity of their flight. It was impossible to dodge them. One struck an ox between the eyes with such force as to kill the animal."

- [this same description has been reused in "Treasury of American Folklore" and most other bestiaries after are pretty much identical to it. - Flittericks does not seem to appear by name in any of the earlier paul bunyan stories. there is however one instance where in a flyin' squirrel pelts pauls dog in between the eyes [paul bunyan and tony beaver tales, 1921-1945] However, Paul doing battle with giant squirrels and keeping one as a pet (affectionately named Henry) is seemingly a common place yarn. Notably the Flittericks size varies and is largely left up to debate & interpretation ]

[Paul Bunyan with a giant squirrel gun.]

...i find that most tend to downplay the deadlines of this critter: According to the English dictionary [1898 (& others like it)] - "Flittericks" at one point was a word commonly used similarly to "Smithereens." – One can assume from this definition that the Flittericks flies so quickly that it either explodes its target on impact, or tears them to shreds....

According to the above AND the "Bakers Dictionary" it can also mean "Small pancakes" - which coincidentally(?) was also a favourite food of lumberjacks. (Hence the "pancake" color scheme I gave it.)

• See also: Zigmaul, Camp Chipmunk, Comeatabody, Gumberoo.

• Similar Yokai: Kodama Nezumi, Nobusuma.

Art Sticker by @Samkalensky part of my "fearsome critters" collection of stickers! check my shop and follow for many more!

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