Ski-hoofed Mustang - [Fearsome Critter 🇨🇦]
Ski-hoofed Mustang - [Fearsome Critter 🇨🇦]
Ski-hoofed Mustang - [Fearsome Critter 🇨🇦]
Ski-hoofed Mustang - [Fearsome Critter 🇨🇦]
Ski-hoofed Mustang - [Fearsome Critter 🇨🇦]
Ski-hoofed Mustang - [Fearsome Critter 🇨🇦]
Ski-hoofed Mustang - [Fearsome Critter 🇨🇦]
Ski-hoofed Mustang - [Fearsome Critter 🇨🇦]
Ski-hoofed Mustang - [Fearsome Critter 🇨🇦]
Ski-hoofed Mustang - [Fearsome Critter 🇨🇦]
Ski-hoofed Mustang - [Fearsome Critter 🇨🇦]

Ski-hoofed Mustang - [Fearsome Critter 🇨🇦]

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Ski-hoofed Mustang - [Fearsome Critter]

• About this critter: A rare breed of Canadian wild horse, said to have adjusted well to life in the remote mountains and Valleys of BC; its lengthy yard-long hooves allow it to find food & avoid predators easily by turning face and quickly sliding down hill. - Few people venture deeply enough into the mountains by foot to ever see them and by the springtime, The hooves fall off like a deer antlers and they become as regular horses until the next winter.

• History: Yet another critter collected by Micheal Taft in his 1983 collection of BC folklore; "Tall Tales of BC" the story was told to him by "Michael Bruce" a year prior in 1982. - Bruce wrote into Taft and told him that he had heard it orally from an Albertan storyteller by the name of "Ralph Vroom." (sadly I've found no record for who that might've been!) – regardless, The tale goes as follows:

To survive, every creature has to adjust to its surroundings. Some animals grow warmer coats in winter, others hibernate, grouse grow little fringes along each toe to give more support in snow. The wild horses adjust also. 
They were forced back into the mountains as more and more farmers took up the land. No more easy feeding and average winters; it was deep snow and eat what they could get.
As they had to walk in deep snow, they grew larger hooves. These did not grow sideways, which would have cut the inner part of the legs, but grew forwards. The mustangs also became a pacer type of horse.
In a few generations, the mustang's hooves were nearly a yard long and narrow. They slid easily over the deep snow, carrying the hungry horses to all available food.
If attacked by some hungry predator, the horses simply turned downhill and slid to safety, probably enjoying the trip while giving a horse laugh to the floundering pursuer. Like deer's antlers, the ski hooves dropped off each spring and grew back in time for the winter snows.
In summer, they may be seen as ordinary horses . Living far back in the mountains in deep snow during the winter, few people have ever travelled far enough into the hills to see the ski-hoofed mustangs."
[Michael Bruce; 1982]"

[Photo of 'Michael Bruce' from the back of the book, he was a Shipyard Stock-taker in Victoria, turned writer who wrote for M'cleans magazine!]

it should be noted that that wild horses are in fact actually something of an invasive species in the BC mountain range (yes really!) – primarily on the Chilcotin plateau! - (Side Note: advertised as "Super-Natural BC") – as said, they where likely first imported via farms & first nations trade in the late 1700s, with government sanctioned culls dating back to 1896. (The last time the horses where culled locally was in 1988, notably just couple years after this book was published.) - Although Taft says in the story notes that he couldn't find any parallels to the story itself; perhaps it was a yarn stemming from what was a local concern & hot topic at the time? - Today, there is a population of over 2400 wild horses across BC, some say that they should be protected as they do contribute to the ecosystem (mostly feeding wolves, as moose do as well.) 

Of course, the most 'rational' explanation for this critter would be that someone simply saw a wild horse with overgrown hooves (example below) & for the sake of a joke, exaggerated the shape & length for laughs. (perhaps with the intent to fool someone that was less familiar with horses or how their natural hoof care works. - (Most city-slickin' Vancouverites wouldn't be 'up to their snuff' on their horse anatomy after-all! and without google or a way to realize that 'yes, this is a thing', 'the joke' at their expense would hold true.)

[wild horses hooves grow super long, much like a goats horn can. - a before and after pic of a wild horses over grown hooves - Image source: idaho horseshoeing school] -

• Folkloric Parallels: As with the Icegedunk, ratchet owl & a few others critters like them: The ski-hoofed mustang is yet another fearsome-critter with uncomfortable & (un)natural 'man made object'-inspired anatomy, such is the 'tradition' for many North American Critters. - Notably a couple other similar creatures directly parallel to this one (Animals that ski using their anatomy) are the "Skeeabooz" goats with very long circular horns. - [No Such Things Bill Peet 1983] & the "Skia" a breed of bird with ski like feet, said to be found in Alberta, the Alpines and parts of New York. - ['Field guide to little-known and seldom seen birds of north America' Ben Sill 1988] - Incidentally: Stories of Phantom, ghostly, "Duck footed' horses have also existed in the Dunes of Colorodo. - Anyway, Thank gosh this wasn't just another side hill gouger variant...

[an article about Tafts Book & how he found the tales, found in local papers. 1980s]

[Art Sticker by SamKalensky (yo thats me! thanks for reading!) part of my collection of fearsome critters, check my shop and follow for many more!]

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