![Pricuricu - [Fearsome Critter]](http://samkalensky.com/cdn/shop/files/E36D9EBD-72F2-4AD2-A91C-B05F101F55CF_{width}x.jpg?v=1741710994)
Pricuricu. - [Fearsome Critter] - (Latin: Ornis Cynophilus) - (Pronounced: "pree-koo-ree-koo")
• About this critter: A small nocturnal insect (or very tiny bird.) rarely seen but known to originate from Romanian-American camps in St Paul Minnesota; It's said to be so quick that it moves at a speed invisible to the human eye; it's wings vibrations emits an incredibly pointed sharp noise which can only be heard by hounds. - (either that or it lets loose a scent that can only be smelled by dogs.) - Because of this, many people don't give it a name, but instead just say "That damn dog is barking again!!" & proceed to blame the dog for being a pest. – Since dogs yap at night at things that we cannot perceive at just what, the Pricuricu offers a reasonable 'just-so' explanation for why the dog barks when nothing else is amiss.
• History: The "Pricuricu" was likely earliest introduced in a folklore pamphlet titled "Folklore of the Romanians of Saint Paul, Minnesota“ by Phillip J. Taconita JR. - Sadly, i am unable to find any surviving copies of the pamphlet, or much information about the man himself; but fortunately, the booklet was seemingly transcribed back in 2007 & posted to the "Romanian American Heritage Centres information bulletin." (the included stories are much older as both the creature & Phillip are both referenced in older books dating back to the 70's at least.)] – Phillip says the following about Precuricu in the 'Animal Lore' section – his description is short and to the point:
"There is a nocturnal animal called a “Precuricu” that can only be seen by dogs. Since this animal is invisible, we can be sure it is around us whenever we hear a dog bark during the night."
Presumably a little while later, The creature was then given a bit of an expanded description in Walker D. Wyman's "Mythical creatures of North America" [1979] - (as well as its latin name.) - Wyman decided to classify it as a "bird or insect" - (Similar to how the 'naturalist' in "Paul bunyans natural history" [1935] classified the Giant Moskitto as a type of bird.) – Their entry which also credits Phillip as the 'specialist on the topic of the "pricuricu and other rumanian night life" –(The booklet also which also contains a vampire legend!) – Wymans entry went as follows:
"Pricuricu (Pronounced "Pre-koo-re-koo") Bird or insect (Latin Ornis Cynophilus) The Pricuricu is a small bird or a large insect that flies only at night and can be seen or heard only by dogs. It is this creature that makes dogs bark. Since it is invisible, humans find it hard to understand just why dogs bark at night. Apparently, the Pricuricu sets in motion vibrations that either cause pain to the dogs' ear drums or else it gives off a peculiar scent that can be detected even by a jaded house dog turned out before bedtime. Since dogs do bark at night and all things must have a cause the Pricuricu Bird or Insect seems to be a reasonable explanation.
Among the Rumanian-Americans, the Pricuricu is believed to nest in their settlements then wing their way thousands of miles each night causing dogs around the world to bark. Whether it is the Pricuricu or a herd of mythical reindeer that makes dogs bark on December 24 is an open question not yet resolved by the scientists. The Pricuricu offers reasonable explanation for why dogs bark at night. No doubt many people do not give it a name but just say, "that darn dog is barking again tonight."
– ["Mythical creatures of North America" [Wyman 1979]
Later, in 1984 it was also included and classified as a "Bunyan Bird" in the "Guide to Imaginary birds" [Joe Nigg, 1984]
a while ago, Lenwood (the curator of the digital Lumberwoods museum) also did a well-spoken rant about the pricuricu. - around 2009, he had also included a short rhyme about it in his lexicon of lumberwoods lore. (which was lifted & spread to the "creatures of myth wikipedia" & other sources.)
• Pop culture appearances: The Pricuricu's main claim to fame is that in the 1990's it was one of many critters which where adapted into the popular pen and paper RPG - "Shadowrun: Paranormal Animals of North America." - it, along with a menagerie of other North American critters (such as the hoop snake, snowsnake, devil-jack-fish and many others) where made appropriate for DND & other RPG's - [worth note is that this version of the Pricuricu goes by a different latin name, and it is described as "thrush-like" but with 'an owls large eyes' ]
(a popular choice among various modern critter enthusiasts and artists is to combining humming bird + butterflies: [1][2][3] - However, i feel it should be noted, that "humming bird moths" are in fact a real insect. for the sake of being different & since the lore does not say which bird/bug it resembles. I tried to make mine feel something like a humming-bird mixed with a dragonfly.)
Incidentally, Did you know that some dragonflies are known to eat humming birds? & that some bird books have jokingly classify dragon flies as birds? – No? well, now you do!
[Art sticker by @samkalensky part of my fearsome critters collection of stickers follow and support for many more!]