Ōmukade - 大百足 - [Yokai]
Ōmukade - 大百足 - [Yokai]
Ōmukade - 大百足 - [Yokai]
Ōmukade - 大百足 - [Yokai]
Ōmukade - 大百足 - [Yokai]
Ōmukade - 大百足 - [Yokai]
Ōmukade - 大百足 - [Yokai]
Ōmukade - 大百足 - [Yokai]
Ōmukade - 大百足 - [Yokai]
Ōmukade - 大百足 - [Yokai]
Ōmukade - 大百足 - [Yokai]

Ōmukade - 大百足 - [Yokai]

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Ōmukade - (JP: 大百足) - [Yokai]  - "Mikamiyama no Ōmukade" - "The gigantic Centipede of Mt.Mikami." 

• About this Yokai: A massive, terrifying, dragon-eating, Mukade Centipede, which made its lair in Mount Mikami, Lake Biwa, Shiga prefecture. - it had a terrifying face, like a hungry Ushi-Oni with red, flaming eyes, a flowing mane like a lions, It's bite was so venomous and powerful that Dragons were terrified of it, it's body was so long that it could wrap around the mountain sides, seven and a half times! Its exoskeleton was so tough and impenetrable that it could not be pierced by conventional weapons... ...and yet it was defeated with not but a spit soaked arrow...

• History: Ōmukade was most famously encountered & slain by Aristocrat, Skilled Archer and Samurai; Fujiwara no Hidesato.In the legendary tale Tawara Tōda Monogatari. (俵藤太物語) set in the year 940 [Heian period] - The Legend goes as such:

"Legend has it that one day off the shore of Lake Biwa, a 200ft long, serpentine tail could be seen laying across the famous Seta no Karashi long bridge disrupting travellers, nobody could get across and everyone was terrified... Completely unbothered by the gigantic serpent, Fujiwara no Hidesato, walked across, stomping hard on the tail as he went, the snake flinched, retreated into the water, and everyone was able to pass without further incident.

That night, a beautiful girl appeared before Hidesato, she confessed to him that she was Otohime, the Dragon king's daughter and that she had disguised herself as the giant snake to find and recruit a brave warrior. She told him that a centipede so massive that it could wrap around a mountain seven and a half times, had appeared on mount Mikami and was slaughtering her family.

Up to the challenge; Hidesato readied his bow, crossed the bridge and marched over to mount Mikami. From near the end of the bridge, he could already see the massive centipede, it was true, the thing was Huge. He fired two shots, both bounced off the creatures carapace; determined: Hidesato laid spittle to his final arrow, said a quick prayer to his patron, Hachiman. pulled back and fired the killing shot, The arrow flew true piercing the beasts hide. Hidesato then approached the wreathing creature and cut it to pieces.

The Princess was thrilled, as a reward; Hidesato was gifted an inexhaustible bag of rice, an unending bolt of silk, a magical sword, armour & a huge crimson copper bell (which Hidesato later donated to Mii-dera temple.) He was also invited for a huge feast at the dragon kings palace (Ryu-Gu-Jo) he was also given Intel on how to defeat the rebel, Taira no Masakado." - The End.

Although most bestiary's & websites which retell this story (in both English and Japanese) put emphasis that it was the addition of spit to the weapon which killed the beast (saying the spit is the beasts critical weakness etc) I cant help but point out that it might be a pinch more likely the prayer to Hachiman (the patron diety of warriors, archers and samurai) that might've had something more to do with it. Earlier versions of the story where a bit longer, and with heavier Buddhist themes. - [Admittedly it is a lot funnier to say that the creatures weakness was saliva, probably just an example of folklore changing over time.] - Today both Fujiwara no Hidesato & Otohime are both venerated at Ryuuouguu Hidesato Shrine in Otsu city.[Ukiyo-e print by By Katsukawa Shuntei (1818)]

Art sticker & post by @SamKalensky, part of my hyakkiyagyo night parade of 100 demons sticker collection check my shop and support for many more

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