Tripodero. - [Fearsome Critter 1910.]
About this critter:
Sharp shooter of the american wilds, varmint-sized with a snout built like a canon, it has a sturdy kangaroo like tail for balance (tipped with a spade for digging*) Short->Long retractable, telescoping legs allow it to dart above and below the canopy for better aim, or for a quick, stealthy escape.
Quadrapedal porcine, as well as Winged, Avian (and numerous other variants) exist across the americas, particuarly they thrive near Texas & California.
*They store Hardened clay-pellets in their cheeks and fire them out at great speeds, Their target is instantly knocked senseless, and then slowly digested. Each genus has a unique fire rate, Sheldom do they miss their pray!
• History: This critters earliest appearance was Fearsome Critters 1910, most likely
Art by samkalensky (yo that’s me!) part of my fearsome critters sticker collection. Check my shop for many more!