NEWS: Lil update #2: Fanexpo + More!
Hey all, Lil' update to the 'lil update from earlier this month. + Some other general announcements~
• First: I'm extremely relieved to say that my Mum's health has been improving steadily! - Shes much better than she was a couple of weeks back after her fall. 🤕 - Thank you all for your well wishes! - I've been taking things slowly and as much care as I can so that i don't burn myself out! – But unfortunately on top of taking care of both my parents: last weekend some rats got into the chicken coop! 😵💫Thankfully, nobody was hurt! - But now this last week I've been playing landscaper & chicken guard on top of double nurse! - At least the snow finally melted and I was able to mend the coop & till the land, the girls are safely outside again. - To say the least, its been a long and trying month for me – Optimistically, Things are at least feeling a little bit more stable as of this weekend? – Just wanted to let y'all know whats up!! – Onto the announcements proper...
• Art & Monster posts should start to flow at a regular pace again after this weekend! – A Large thank goes to Cattype, my editor (& recently a bit closer to a co-writer!) who's been helping me pick up the slack, whilst dealing with her own move & her own life michegosh! - (Please give her a round of applause & check out her stuff too yo!!) - We have been work-in' hard and doin' good team works! - So I think y'all can expect more at least a couple more yokai or critter posts as the month rolls to a close? we'll see!! - As usual, i've been sharing wips to the community channel and discord if you're curious for a peek at what's comin' up!
• I’ll be sending sticker club packages off for Q1 towards the 15th next month! - as well as the usual chefs choice of stickers: A special Cat'Sup sticker will be included special in all patreon packages for y'all's patience this month 🍅❤️
• THIS WEEKEND is Fanexpo Vancouver on the 21st-23rd: i'll be at table a210 in the artist ally. – its been a rough month, so I'm very much looking forward to seeing friends and regulars, set up is tonight so wish me luck! (i'll post some photos to discord once Its all set up tomorrow!)